(To download the data of the plot click on the plot line)
Charge-discharge cycle from a cycling test of a Lithium battery cell
![Example of cycle](Licell_cycle.jpg)
Terminal voltage of a Lithium cell of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery technology, during a charge-discharge cycle, from a cyclic stress test. The range of the State of Charge (SOC) during this cyclic procedure ranges from 100% to 66%. The value of the operating current corresponds to a rate of C/3, for a cell of a capacity of 105Ah.
Full charge procedure of a lead-acid SLI battery
![Example of full charge](fchrg1.jpg)
Full charge of an SLI battery, of nominal capacity of 140Ah, following the procedure of EN-50342 standard.
![Cold cranking test](cold_cranking_test_3.jpg)
Terminal voltage of an SLI battery, of nominal capacity of 140Ah, during the cold cranking test (for a test current of 840A), following the procedure of EN-50342 standard. The battery has been cooled down to -18oC.
Charge curves of a Lithium battery cell for various operating currents
![Example of charge curves](Libat_chrgcrvs.jpg)
Charge curves of a Lithium battery cell, of nominal capacity of 75Ah, for various charge rates. The plot shows the terminal voltage of the battery cell during charging, versus the State of Charge (SOC) of the cell.