Έργα σχετικά με κτίρια nZEB
This project aims to trigger the successful implementation of NZEBs throughout the EU, using Passive House supplied as much as possible by renewable energies as the foundation. Several European municipalities/regions are already committed to energy efficient Passive House principles (maximum heating and cooling demands of 15 kWh/(m²a) in new builds) supplied by renewable energy.
The experiences from these front runner regions, or PassREgs, will help to pave the way for other EU regions to achieve the EPBD targets by 2020. Front runner regions that have already implemented successful, cost effective strategies will be made visible. Useful parts of their models, the mechanisms in place promoting the implementation of PassREg concepts, will be adapted and implemented in the aspiring regions, partner regions that are striving to become frontrunners.
Beacon projects, real construction and refurbishment projects, will provide concrete case studies. The experiences will figure into a set of solutions that will make best practice accessible across the EU to advance the uptake and large-scale creation of further PassREgs throughout the rest of Europe well in line with the EU’s 2020 goal.
Partners| PassREG project (IEE)
Duration: 01/05/2012 to 30/04/2015
Overall budget: 1,966,662 € (EU contribution: 75,00 %)
Website: http://www.passreg.eu