• +30 210 6603300
  • cres@cres.gr

EUROPEAN PROJECTS JOULE II Programme Electric Vehicle

Simplified Monitoring System (SMS) for Data Collection and Management of E.V. Fleets.

The development of the SMS was an activity of the JOULE2-CT94-0291 project, entitled: “Program for the Collaboration between the European Commission of Communities and the National Programs for Electric Vehicles in Europe”.

Main goals of this activity was:

  • to reduce the cost of monitoring systems of E.Vs
  • to systemize and simplify the installation of such systems in the E.V.
  • the assessment of a number of measurable parameters, capable of adequately characterising the performance of E.V. in various applications.
  • the development of a common outline (standardisation) for collecting, analysing and presenting data.
In the framework of this project, CRES undertook the design, development and implementation of three prototypes of the SMS, as well as the procedure of installation, collection and administration of the data. The designs of the SMS and the procedure of collecting and managing data have been submitted to the Industrial Property Organisation and a patent degree was received.

The SMS was installed for validation on the E.V. FIAT Panda Elettra, which belongs to CRES, as in the above picture