EUROPEAN PROJECTS ➤ JOULE II Programme ➤ Electric Vehicle
Simplified Monitoring System (SMS) for Data Collection and Management of E.V. Fleets.
The development of the SMS was an activity of the JOULE2-CT94-0291 project, entitled: “Program for the Collaboration between the European Commission of Communities and the National Programs for Electric Vehicles in Europe”.
Main goals of this activity was:
- to reduce the cost of monitoring systems of E.Vs
- to systemize and simplify the installation of such systems in the E.V.
- the assessment of a number of measurable parameters, capable of adequately characterising the performance of E.V. in various applications.
- the development of a common outline (standardisation) for collecting, analysing and presenting data.
The SMS was installed for validation on the E.V. FIAT Panda Elettra, which belongs to CRES, as in the above picture