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  • cres@cres.gr

EUROPEAN PROJECTS European Economic Area (EEA)

European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism 2009-2014

The EEA aims to strengthen the bilateral relations, and increase the cooperation between entities in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway and in the 15 beneficiary states. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), concerning the institutional and regulatory framework of the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism (EEA FM) 2009-2014, was signed on the 7th of November 2011 between Hellenic Republic, represented by the Ministry of Development, Competitiveness and Shipping and Donor States. Overall objectives are the reduction of economy and social disparities in the European Economy Area and the strengthening of the relations between Donor States and Greece.

Τhe overall objectives of EEA FM 2000-2014 include:

  • The mitigation of the economic and social disparities within the EEA;
  • The optimal exploitation of resources through technical adequate, efficient and well-functioning administrative structures;
  • The assurance of the quality of actions, the effectiveness, the performance, the proper management of projects implementation under conditions of transparency and good governance.
Renewable Energy Sources

The Programme Area “Renewable Energy Sources (RES) – GR03” aims at increasing the share of RES in the production and consumption of energy and at the same time the reduction of CO2 emissions:

Category 1:
RES integrated actions in local “Communities”
Indicative Interventions:
  • Geothermal heat pumps, solar thermal systems and biomass systems for covering heating and cooling loads.
  • Use of RES technologies (photovoltaics, small wind turbines) for electricity generation and use in installations such as waste water treatment systems, desalination units, water pumping, lighting etc.
  • Use of RES stations for charging electric vehicles.
  • Use of RES for power needs of marinas, small ports etc.
  • Storage and energy management systems.
  • Other relevant RES interventions contributing to the Program’s objectives.
Category 2:
RES integrated actions in a “Small island” – predefined project
  • Use of RES stations for charging electric vehicles
  • Use of RES for electricity supply of marinas, small ports and processes such as waste water treatment, desalination units etc.
  • RES systems integration in buildings.

This Programme area has a total budget of 11,188,235 € and is funded by EEA-EFTA states (Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway) by 85 % (9,510,000 €) and the Public Investment Program of Hellenic Republic by 15 % (1,678,235 €).

The available budget for RES projects, which are going to be implemented by appropriate entities, is as follows:

Categories EEA FM 2009-2014 (€) National Contribution (PIP, 15%) (€) Total (€)
Category 1:
RES integrated actions in local “Communities”
6.768.644,40 1.194.466,70 7.963.111,00
Category 2:
RES integrated actions in “small Island” – predefined project
1.446.315,80 255.232,20 1.701.548,00
Total 8.214.960,20 1.449.698,90 9.664.659,00

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