In the context of the OPET Network the MEDNET
initiative, promotes the new energy technologies in the Mediterranean
countries. The countries of the Mediterranean basin are challenging
special conditions for the future: the increasing population
growth and the fast developing rates. These conditions produce
increased energy and water consumption and environmental encumbrance.
EU has introduced a set of policies to offset
these challenges through repeating initiatives and programs.
This MEDNET project supports the effort of fostering the Mediterranean
cooperation in the field of renewables and energy efficiency
has 5 partners from the Mediterranean countries that are also
OPET members: CRES from Greece (co-ordinator), IDAE from Spain,
ENEA from Italy, ADENE from Portugal and ICTAF form Israel.
The first four are also members of the MEDENER Network. These
are the OPET members with the main task to establish and support
the links between the OPET Network and the most important
Mediterranean energy related Network: the MEDENER Association.
The MEDENER Association, created in 1997, includes 12 Energy
Agencies from both sides of the Mediterranean and is actively
working toward the development of a common approach to energy
issues and the exchange of experience among its members. Its
partners are located in the following countries: Algeria,
Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Portugal,
Palestine, Spain and Tunisia. The action mobilizes local actors
from all the MEDENER countries, exploiting the opportunities
for international cooperation through common projects, partnerships
and participation in EU programs.
The MEDNET Network aims to:
- Disseminate information for the Mediterranean
energy markets
- Identify opportunities for further collaboration
between the EU members and the South basin Mediterranean
- Foster the uptake of the new energy
technologies in the Mediterranean region
- Promote the EU Energy policies
The MEDNET will implement a set of networking
actions such as the establishment of a Mediterranean Web-Discussion
Area including discussion forums, news and announcements,
documentation for policy and financial issues, case studies
for the technologies that are applicable in the region, electronic
newsletters and electronic publications. Moreover the database
with major facts and figures concerning the energy markets
of the MEDENER countries will be updated. The results and
findings of the action will be disseminated through a final
dissemination event that will be organized in Athens with
key actors from the MEDENER member countries.
MEDNET has the major role of linking
the two major Networks the OPET Network and the MEDENER Network,
to support the EU Energy Policy for the Mediterranean region
and to report to the Commission the prospects for further
collaborations and initiatives in the energy sector for the
Mediterranean countries.