Selected CRES Projects| INTERREG MED


PELAGOS: "Promoting innovative nEtwork sand cLusters form Arine renewable energy synerGies in mediterranean cOasts and iSlands"

Funding Programme: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: 1.1 (Blue Growth) To increase transnational activity of innovative clusters and networks of key sectors of the MED area

Project type: Pilot project (M2)

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing rate: 85%

Total budget: 2,396,104.00 euro

CRES budget: 353,904.00 euro

Project duration: 1.11.2016 - 30.04.2019 (30 months)

Partners: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) – Greece, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) – Italy, University of Algarve (UAlg) – Portugal, CTN Marine Technology Centre (CTN) – Spain, Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region (UCV) – Italy, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR) –Greece, Maritime Institute of Eastern Mediterranean (Mar.In.E.M) – Cyprus, Toulon Var Technologies & Pole Mer Mediterranee (TVT – PMM) – France, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture (UNIZAG FSB) – Croatia.

Associated partners: French Maritime Cluster (CMF) – France, Marine South East Limited – UK, NYM Association (Murcia Maritime Cluster) – Spain, University College Cork & MaREI Centre – Ireland, AZTI Foundation – Spain, Murcia Region Development Agency (INFO Murcia) – Spain, Region of North Aegean-Greece, Cyprus Energy Agency - Cyprus.

Website (under construction):

PELAGOS short description:

The sea represents a huge resource for renewable energy (Blue Energy, BE) such as waves, tides, and marine currents. Harnessing the economic potential of this energy in a sustainable manner has been highlighted in the Commission's Blue Growth Strategy as one of key areas, where in order to build the necessary capacity and critical mass, it is necessary to involve a wide range of stakeholders. The project aims to increase the innovation capacities and cooperation of BE actors in MED through promoting a transnational cluster, bringing them together in order to develop a shared understanding of the challenges and collectively devise workable solutions. PELAGOS will establish a Cluster in Blue Energy that will promote novel technologies and provide a mix of support activities to beneficiaries such as technology providers, enterprises, financial operators, authorities, NGOs end citizens. The project will enhance internationalization of the Cluster members through a range of activities that will jointly identify opportunities of BE in Mediterranean insular and coastal regions. This will be achieved through fine-tuning of existing know-how, development of skills, identification of common business opportunities and facilitation of growth by bridging providers and users in targeted maritime industries. The development of this emerging sector can become an important part of the blue economy, fuelling economic growth in coastal regions and create new, high-quality jobs.