Selected CRES Projects| INTERREG MED


IMPULSE: "Integrated Management Support for Energy efficiency in Mediterranean PUblic buiLdings"

Funding Program: Interreg MED 2014-2020

Programme objective tackled: 2.1/ To raise capacity for better management of energy in public buildings at transnational level

Project type: Pilot project (M2)

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) co-financing rate: 85%

Total Budget: 2,222,863.00 euro

CRES Budget: 299,505.00 euro

Project start-end: 1.11.2016 - 30.04.2019 (30 months)

Partners: Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving - Greece (Coordinator), Municipality of Heraklion - Greece, Valencia Institute of Building - Spain, Elche City Council - Spain, EnvirobatBDM - France, Equipment and development Regional Agency from Provence - Alpes - Cote d' Azur - France, Municipality of Ravenna - Italy, Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar - Croatia, City of Osijek - Croatia, City of Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Associated partners: Regional Development Fund of Crete (RDFC)-Greece, Provincial Energy Agency of Alicante, Valencian Community Foundation-Spain, Comunidad Valenciana Region-Spain, City of Cannes-France, Society for Sustainable Development Design-Croatia, Regional Development Agency of Slavonia and Baranja-Croatia.

Website (under construction):

IMPULSE short description:

IMPULSE introduces an integrated management support system for planning energy efficiency interventions in public buildings. The main challenge tackled is the insufficient capacities of public administrations to set-up reliable and affordable energy efficiency plans for their public building stock, which at local level is reflected by missing or incomplete Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs). The main problem is the lack of available energy consumption data for the building stock and of easy-to-use decision-support systems to conclude the most affordable action plans with bankable and realistic solutions. The project acknowledges the need for concrete decision-support solutions as well as the transnational approach needed to account for MED diversified conditions in buildings, energy solutions, climate, regulations, etc., towards the wider capturing of MED specificities. The project's transnational approach foresees extensive testing in representative pilot MED Cities in 6 Countries (Municipality of Heraklion-Greece, City of Elche - Spain, City of Cannes - France, Municipality of Ravenna - Italy, City of Osijek - Croatia, City of Mostar - Bosnia and Herzegovina), of previously established methods for the conclusion of MED public building typologies accompanied with cost-optimal interventions and financial and gradual renovation plans. The results are organized into a transnational purpose web and GIS-based information system being a user-friendly decision making tool for affordable SEAPs with high impact. The tool is verified through small-scale renovation projects in each pilot City and further evaluated through targeted transferring activities.