The HYPOS-DL flexible learning team consists of experts in renewable energies, power systems, and educational development. The team works closely together to develop innovative ways of delivering teaching and learning within the exciting field of Hybrid Power Systems technologies.

An overview of some of the staff who is involved in the delivery of the courses is provided below.

Core Team

Mr George Koras: Distance Learning Administrator
Dr Ch. Malamatenios: Distance Learning Coordinator
Miss Georgia Veziryianni: Online Support Officer
Dr Piotr Biczel: Online Support Officer
Mrs Elena Taxeri: Technical Support
Mr George Antoniadis: Technical Support

Teaching Staff

Dr Charalambos Malamatenios
Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES)

Module Tutor and Examiner:
- HPS Design Principles
- HPS Operation Characteristics

Email: malam@cres.gr

Dr Charalambos Malamatenios holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical Univ. of Athens (NTUA - 1989) and a PhD degree also from NTUA (1994). In the period 1989-1993 he was a post-graduate researcher in the Laboratory of Thermal Turbomachines (LTT), where he developed two-phase flow calculation methods for both the inviscid and viscous parts of internal aerodynamic flows applied in the turbomachinery field. In the period 1994-1996 he was a post-doctoral researcher in the LTT/NTUA, working on Meridional flow calculations in steam-turbine applications. Dr. Ch. Malamatenios joined CRES in 1997 (from November 1997 is the head of CRES Training Dept.), where he works on the implementation of programs related to the training in the RES and/or RUE issues of various professionals. He also elaborates the training tools (CD-ROMs, Guides, Textbooks, etc.) addressing these target groups. Dr Ch. Malamatenios possess good multidisciplinary skills necessary for an analysis at different renewable energy related policies.

Klaus Grepmeier
Zentrum für rationelle Energieanwendung und Umwelt GmbH (ZREU)

Module Tutor and Examiner:
- Small Hydro Power Schemes
- Introduction to Hybrid Power Systems

E-mail: grepmeier@zreu.de

Mr. Klaus Grepmeier, Head of Unit International Projects within ZREU, the Bavarian Centre for Rational Use of Energy and Environment, holds a diploma in mechanical engineering with a specialisation in energy technologies. Besides his regular communication and networking activities with market actors in the energy and transport sector (e.g. in the frame of the Organisations for Promotion of Energy Technologies Network, the EC's ManagEnergy Initiative) Mr. Grepmeier was involved and has lead several international research, demonstration and training projects in the RES sector and is designated expert for evaluation activities in the frame of the Community non-technology programmes for the promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

Catherine Baxevanou
University of Thessaly

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Conventional Generators

E-mail: cbaxe@mie.uth.gr

Drs Catherine Baxevanou holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1991), an MSc degree in Renewable Energy Systems Technology from the University of Loughborough of GB (1997) and a PhD degree from the University of Thessaly (2004). In the periods from 1991 to 1996 and from 1997 to 1998 she worked as executive engineer in private companies for industrial automation systems and in public constructions and as consultant in private sector projects. In the period 1998-2004 she was a post-graduate researcher in the Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachines (LFMT) where she developed aeroelastic simulation code for Wind Turbines blades. From 2004 until today she is post-doctoral researcher in the same laboratory developing CFD codes and executing research and development projects. From the year 2003 she teaches in Technological Institute of Larissa. In the same period she works as energy consultant in private sector.


Dimitris Fidaros
University of Thessaly

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Conventional Generators

E-mail: dfeid@mie.uth.gr

Mr Dimitris Fidaros holds a Diploma in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering from the University of Thessaly (1997) and an MSc degree in ‘Modern design and analysis methods in industry’ in the energy division also from the same institution (2000). Ηe worked as executive engineer in public constructions and as consultant in private sector projects. The last two years he is post graduate researcher in Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachines and also PhD candidate in the same laboratory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Thessaly. His main research activities focus in CFD energy and environmental studies, developing and extending CFD open source codes. He works also as energy consultant in private sector.


Alfredo Picano
Technology Transfer and Valorisation (Innova S.p.A.)

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Other Renewable and “New” Energy Technologies for Power Production

E-mail: a.picano@labor-roma.it

Alfredo Picano has a degree in mechanical engineering at the university of Rome “La Sapienza” with a specialization in transport mechanics. He has worked for the company Innova S.p.A. as consultant in technology transfer, energy and environment and industrial processes. At the same time he has worked as technical evaluator of several research programmes as DG XVII/DG XIII OPET and evaluating the results of the Joule II programme for the EC, in the wind and PV sector. He has worked also as PTA in the DGXII and as external expert for proposal evaluation of the following EC research programmes – GROWTH, EESD, CRAFT, Innovation, ALTENER. Since year 2000 he is the managing director of the research laboratory Labor s.r.l., focusing on renewable energy, electronics and industrial automation and chemical industry processes and technologies.

Giorgio Recine
Technology Transfer and Valorisation (Innova S.p.A.)

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Power Systems Characteristics

E-mail: g.recine@labor-roma.it

Giorgio Recine has a degree in Chemical and Process Engineering at the university of Rome “La Sapeinza”. First he worked as consultant for the company Innova S.p.A. in the energy and industrial sector, developing and managing innovative research project especially for SMEs. Since 2001 he is the responsible of the Renewable Energy Department of the research laboratory Labor s.r.l. His main expertise is feasibility studies of the integration of renewable energies in local contexts and design and implementation of laboratory test plants for thermal solar and photovoltaic collectors. In addition he coordinates several projects for the design and construction of integrated thermal and photovoltaic elements. Has gained a remarkable know-how in energy saving, thermal solar and PV.

Antonio Zangrilli
Technology Transfer and Valorisation (Innova S.p.A.)

General tutor for the applicants from Italy

E-mail: a.zangrilli@innova-eu.net

Antonio Zangrilli has an Economic degree at the university of Rome “La Sapienza”. Since 1997 he worked as consultant for Innova S.p.A. covering different aspects of technology transfer services and in particular for what concerning the energy sector he carried out a market study on renewable energies comparing the USA and EU market. He also provided his services for the Joule programme collaborating to projects evaluations. Since 2001 he is the responsible of the Innovation Department of Innova for which he has been managing several R&D projects and participating, as speaker, to several business courses directed to post graduate students.


Józef Paska
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Power Engineering

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Economics of HPS

E-mail: Jozef.Paska@ien.pw.edu.pl

Dr Józef Paska was born in 1950 in Lubomin, Poland. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Warsaw University of Technology in 1974, Ph.D. in 1982 and D.Sc. (habilitation) in 2002 (both in electric power engineering). Presently, he is Associate Professor at the Institute of Electric Power Eng. and Vice-Dean of the Electrical Engineering Faculty. Member of the Committee of Power Engineering Problems of the Polish Aca­demy of Sciences and of the editorial boards of the newspapers “Electrician” and “Energy Market”. His areas of interest include electricity generation technologies, power system reliability, power engineering economics, distributed generation, renewable energy. Author of over 140 papers and 3 academic text­books on power system reliability, elec­tri­city generation, renewable energy sources. He is a member of the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering, the Polish Nuclear Society and the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society.


Piotr Biczel
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electrical Power Engineering

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Energy storage systems

E-mail: biczelp@ee.pw.edu.pl

Dr Piotr Biczel was born in Poland in 1974 and got his MSc Eng. in Electrical Engineering (Automatics and Robotics) in 1999 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE) of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT). In 2003 he received a PhD in Technology (Electrical Engineering) again from FEE/WUT (PhD thesis: “Hybrid Solar and Fuel Cell Power Plant as an Example of Optimal Usage of Primary Power Sources”). During 2000-2004 he worked in projects of the Polish Telecom Company and the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (with WUT) as a main researcher. Since 2004 Dr Biczel is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering of FEE/WUT, while he also works for the “APS Energia” company as power electronics converters design engineer. His interests include power converters design, PV and fuel cell systems design, as well as simulations in Matlab, Simulink, Spice, TCad, Simcad environments.


Silvian Fara

Module Tutor and Examiner:
- HPS Operation Characteristics
- Power electronic components

Email: sfara@ipa.ro

Silvian Fara is an Automation Engineer graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnic University. He is the head of RES Department at IPA SA. Member of the managing board of SRES – Romania Section of ISES. He is/was project manager in various national projects in petrol, chemicals, energy sectors and applications in the field of clean technologies, energy efficiency and environmental protections. In the last years, he has been involved in projects related to renewable energy sources (as Head of RES Department). He was Romanian project manager for many R&D projects within EU programmes (JOULE II, INCO-Copernicus, Leonardo da Vinci Programme, FP5, FP6 – also, training in RES & Environmental fields. Numerous scientific papers presented at international conferences. Participated directly in the organisation of national and international conferences, workshops and training courses (as trainer) in Romania, the organisation of “ESW-2004” in Romania.

Dumitru Finta|

Module Tutor and Examiner:
Power electronic components

Email: sfara@ipa.ro

Dumitru Finta is an Electrical Engineer graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnic University. He is Project Assistant of RES Department at IPA SA. He is/was project manager in various national projects in petrol, chemicals, energy sectors, complex automation systems and chemical alarm systems dedicated heavy water plant and applications in the field of Clean Technologies, energy efficiency and environmental protections. In the last ten years, extensive experience as Project Assistant in joint international R&D projects successfully carried out by IPA SA (JOULE II, INCO – Copernicus- stand alone systems for monitoring background air pollution, FP5, FP6, Leonardo da Vinci Programme training in RES & Environmental fields). Numerous scientific papers presented at national and international conferences. Participated directly in the organisation of workshops and training courses in RES (as trainer) in Romania, the organisation of “ESW-2004” in Romania.

Laurentiu Fara
National (Romanian) Agency for Renewable Energy (NARE)

Physics Dept., Bucharest Polytechnic University  

Modu le Tutor and Examiner:
- Photovoltaic Systems
- Introduction to Hybrid Power Systems

 E-mail: anesr@nare.renerg.pub.ro, laurf@nare.renerg.pub.ro

Dr. Laurentiu Fara
is currently Full Professor at Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of Physics. His main research interests include solar energy conversion (solar thermal and PV) & thermal storage, Synergetics, Renewable energy policies and environmental issues. He had an important contribution in the elaboration of a RES Strategy in Romania (PHARE Project developed in 1995-1996), while he coordinated different international training projects in Sustainable Energy. Dr. L. Fara established an organic link between the solar energy conversion and synergetics: synergetics was used as a methodological tool for development of fundamental aspects of solar energy conversion. Prof. L. Fara is chairman of the Romanian Solar Energy Society (SRES) - Romania ISES Section. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal “Solar Energy for Sustainable Development“ and of SRES Newsletters (in Romanian). He is also involved in European Commission projects within the National (Romanian) Agency for Renewable Energy (NARE). He is president of NARE; this organization is interested in consulting activities in RES and Environmental issues. Prof. L. Fara published more than 180 papers and 14 books in the country and abroad. He was awarded the Romanian Academy Prize “Dragomir Hurmuzescu” for his contribution in solar energy conversion (1987). Prof. L. Fara is full member of several national and international scientific societies.

Jozef Šoltés
Slovak Energy Agency (SEA)

Module Tutor and Examiner:
- Biomass fuelled Power Producing Technologies

Email: jozef.soltes@seabb.sk

Dr.-Ing. Jozef Šoltés
, CSc. holds a Diploma in Energy Engineering from the Technical University Zittau (D) - Faculty of Energy Sources and Equipment (1979-1983) and a PhD (1983-1988) from the same University (Dept. of Automation of Energy Equipment). He was awarded a CSc. Degree from the Slovak Academy of Science during 1988. During 1988–1991 he was a chief designer in the company ENERGOPROJEKT Praha, and in 1992 he joined the Slovak Energy Agency, where from 2002 until now he is the Director of Section of Accredited Activities. In 1998 he was appointed as Energy auditor of the Ministry of Economy of SR, and in 1999 he got a special qualification in heat supply and electric-energetic from the same Ministry. Dr Soltés lecture history includes his educational activity at Technical University Zittau, long- and short-term courses in the frame of the Energy Institute, educational activities at SPŠ in Handlová (post-graduation daily study), a training course of responsible deputies (Act No. 657/2004 C.o.L.), as well as presentations at seminars oriented on energy savings.


Duncan Brewer
IT Power Ltd

Module Tutor and Examiner:
- Wind Turbine Generators
- Power Systems Characteristics

E-mail: duncan.brewer@itpower.co.uk

Duncan Brewer has experience in the selection of potential wind farm sites using GIS mapping. He has created training programs for the installation of solar energy systems. In particularly he has created syllabus and training course material for the installation of photovoltaics and the installation of domestic solar water heating systems. He also has experience in the design and installation of solar systems. Other experience includes the project management of a water and sanitation program in Uganda, which included capacity building in the local communities to ensure the long term maintenance and operation of water supplies. He was also the lead researcher and author for the DETR sponsored Best Practice Guidance document rainwater use and greywater recycling in the UK. He also has experience in wastewater treatment, contaminated land assessment and remediation techniques. His country experience includes Uganda and Kazakhstan.