ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ ➤ Εκδόσεις (αγγλικά)
Assessment of the Technical & Economical Potential of Wind Energy along the Black Sea Coast of Bulgaria and Romania
Bioclimatic and Low Energy Office Building
High Solar Fraction Heating and Cooling Systems with Combination of Innovative Components and Methods
Use of renewable Energy Sources through the Installation of Solar Water-Heating Systems in the Municipality of Cacak (Serbia)
Methods of Financing Renewable Energy Investments in Greece
Renewable energy sources - development and implementation of solar thermal energy in armenia
Use of renewable Energy Sources through the Installation of Solar Water-Heating Systems in the Municipality of Cacak (Serbia)
Wave Energy Utilization in Europe: Current Status and Perspectives
PROCESOL II - Solar thermal plants in industrial processes
EU SOLARIS -The European Research Infrastructure for Concentrated Solar Power
Climasol - Solar air conditioning guide
SOLAIR - Increasing the Market Implementation of Solar Air - Conditioning Systems for Small and Medium Applications in Residential and Commercial Buildings