OTHERS ➤ International Development Cooperation Department
Applications of Renewable Energy and Energy Saving methods in the affected regions of Lebanon
Total Budget | 700.000,00 € |
Project Targets:
- Enhancement of the business and scientific co-operation between Greece and Lebanon in the sector of RES Technologies.
- Reinforced of the use of RES in households, decrease of energy consumption, protection of the environment and strengthening of the national / local economy.
- Emergence of Greece as a leading country in RES in Mediterranean area.

- Solar systems, of 2,50m2 collector’s surface and a boiler of 150lt, which correspond to a typical five member family for sanitary hot water needs, will be installed in about 350 households in affected regions of South Lebanon.
- Supply of 90.000 low consumption lamps, mainly of 15W each and installation of them in about 10.000 houses and small foundations.
- Supply and installation of testing and measurements equipment for the solar collectors with aim the creation of a permanent centre of solar testing.
- The projects regarding the installation of solar systems and the low consumption lamps will save significant amounts of energy and will provide preconditions for social, environmental and economic gainings for the whole population and specifically for the lowest income/affected social groups.
- The project regarding the installation of testing and measurements equipment for the solar collectors will assist the local market, with the improvement of Lebanese standards, which are based on European standards for solar collectors.