OTHERS ➤ National Operational Program of Energy
Low enthalpy geothermal energy driven desalination plant in Kimolos Cyclades
The objective of this innovative project is the construction of a desalination unit (either of sea-water or geothermal water) which will utilize low enthalpy geothermal water of 56-58οC as the heating medium.
With this innovative configuration cheap desalination of water is achieved solving water scarcity problems through the utilization of an environmentally friendly and clean renewable energy source (Low Enthalpy Geothermal Energy). The development of such an innovation is unique not only for Greek standards but also worldwide. The Kimolos desalination unit comprises of a two-effect Multi-effect Distillation (MED) unit, designed to produce 200 m3 per day of desalinated water (TDS <5 ppm). The expected cost of desalinated water is estimated at just under 2,00 EURO per m3 desalinated water.