• +30 210 6603300
  • cres@cres.gr

EUROPEAN PROJECTS LIFE LEAPto11 “Linking Energy Audit and EnMS Policies towards new EED article 11”

Project duration 01/02/2024 – 31/01/2027
CRES Budget

1,775,291 €
143,166 €



Project number: LIFE22-CET-LEAPto11/101121013

Project description:

The LEAPto11 project aims to support European Member States during the transposition and rollout phase of the new article 11 of the EED recast through a joint action of cooperation of their respective National Energy Agencies.
The project main goal is to contribute to a comprehensive improvement of the quality framework for Energy audits and Energy management systems (EnMs) through the evaluation, update, upgrade and optimisation of current national programmes.
The project will also investigate other parts of the Recast EED dealing with energy savings in the business sector, to promote synergies among energy audits, EnMS, Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes and alternative measures, information programmes.
Such goal will be reached through the following specific objectives:

  • Improving the effectiveness of National programmes for a better data management and Key Performance Indicators production, with benefits for the Public and the Private sector.
  • Supporting Ministries, Business actors (business associations, networks), auditors and National Agencies during the art.11 transposition with data-driven and knowledge-based high-level policy advice, to get all stakeholders ready when National legislations will enter in force.
  • Spreading the culture, use and uptake of Standards and Protocols to increase the implementation of the energy efficiency measures recommended in audits and EnMS.



  • ENEA – Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile - Project coordinator (Italy)
  • ADENE- Agência para Energia - (Portugal)
  • CRES – Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (Greece)
  • DENA – Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) (Germany)
  • EIHP - Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar (Croatia)
  • EWA - Energy and Water Agency (Malta)
  • LEA - Lietuvos energetikos agentūra (Lithuania)
  • RVO - Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (Netherlands)
  • SEAI – Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (Ireland)
  • SIEA - Slovenská inovačná a energetická agentúra (Slovakia)
  • REVOLVE Planet (Belgium)