Division of Renewable Energy Sources
Director: Kostas Karytsas | 210 6603375 | kkari@cres.gr |
Secretary: Kalliope Mavrogeorgi | 210 6603351 | pmavro@cres.gr |
Wind Energy Department
Head of Department: Nikolaos Stefanatos |
210 6603272 |
nstefan@cres.gr |
Biomass Department
Head of Department: Myrsini Christou |
210 6603394 |
mchrist@cres.gr |
Geothermal Energy Department
Head of Department: Kostas Karytsas |
210 6603375 |
kkari@cres.gr |
Solar Thermal Systems Department
Head of Department: Vassiliki Drosou |
210 6603381 |
drosou@cres.gr |
RES and Hydrogen Technologies Department
Photovoltaic Systems and Distributed Generation Department
Head of Department: John Nikoletatos |
210 6603373 |
inikol@cres.gr |