The IEA Task “Greenhouse Gas Balances of Biomass and
Bioenergy Systems” lasts for the period 2001 – 2003.
One important aspect of environmental and energy policy
in most of the European countries is the reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions, in particular these gases
are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen
oxide (N2O). Possibilities for the reduction in the
energy sector are an improvement in energy efficiency
and the use of renewable energy like hydro power,
biomass, solar energy and wind instead of fossil energy.
The presented case study is taken from Jungmeier et
al. 1999. It deals with the quantification of greenhouse
gas emissions of bioenergy systems and the comparison
with the greenhouse gas emissions of fossil energy
systems. Bioenergy systems are defined as a combination
of different technical installations, that use solid,
liquid and gaseous fuels from biogenic resources to
supply heat and electricity. These resources originate
from forestry, agriculture, trade and industry. Bioenergy
systems for the combined supply of heat and electricity
that are expected for the Austrian situation in the
year 2000 and 2020, are analysed.
This case study follows the international standard
ISO 14 040 „Life Cycle Assessment".