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Integration of Solar Technologies into Buildings in Mediterranean Communities




SOLAR-BUILD project aims to contribute to the uptake of solar technologies to meet cooling, electricity & heat needs in buildings in Mediterranean communities, via new links and information exchange between relevant professional fields and via transfer and adaptation of experience from EU to non EU Mediterranean countries.

Partners are leading networks of sustainable energy professionals and architects within the region, led by CRES who has long-term in-depth experience of research, development & application of solar technologies in the region & a track record in support actions of this type. Partners will engage with extensive market actors and stakeholders including: architects, building engineers, solar technology manufacturers / retailers etc, local authorities / municipalities, central government departments.




To analyse local conditions, current status, future market opportunities & threats, in each of eleven participating countries.

To report findings in short, standard format, readily accessible reports.

To convene working groups in each country comprising relevant professions to deliver the above analyses & reports.

To hold two workshops (Morocco & Greece) to present & discuss the market analyses results & identify follow-on actions with market actors & stakeholders.

To collate conclusions & recommendations from above tasks into one e-guide for building-integrated solar technologies in Mediterranean.

To disseminate findings including targeted emailing to partner's extensive networks & to make all information & results available via project web site.

The project offers an important contribution to long-term socio-economic development by promoting locally appropriate, cost-effective, environmental solutions in public buildings – a sector that shows growing energy demand and where actions are highly visible.

Expected results:


Increased awareness among actors, including local / municipal authorities, of the potential of applying Mediterranean-wide and locally adopted solar energy solutions in community buildings.

Actors equipped with new knowledge and contacts to take forward with research, development and implementation (including pilot) actions.

Increased acceptance and knowledge of opportunities among all actors involved in the market chains

Understanding of technical, social and economic market potential, barriers and ways to overcome these barriers

An e-guide, disseminated widely to target groups, which is a valued knowledge-resource.


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