Εκδόσεις του ΚΑΠΕ



  Περιγραφή Microsof Word

P. Chaviaropoulos, "Optimization of Stall Regulated Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Rotors". Presented at ICIAM 95, The Third Int. Congress on Industrial and Applied Maths . , Hamburg , 3-7/7/1995, also in: Problems in Engineering, Vol 3, pp. 177-196, (1996).


P. Chaviaropoulos and K. Giannakoglou, "A Vorticity-Stream Function Formulation for Steady Incompressible Two-Dimensional Laminar Flows", Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol 23, pp. 431-444, (1996).


P. Chaviaropoulos, "Development of a State-of-the-art Aeroelastic Simulator for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. Part 1: Structural Aspects " , Journal Wind Engineering, Vol 20, No. 6, pp. 405-421, (1996).


V.A. Riziotis, P.K Chaviaropoulos and S.G. Voutsinas, "Development of a State-of-the-art Aeroelastic Simulator for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines. Part 2: Aerodynamic Aspects and Applications", Journal Wind Engineering, Vol 20, No. 6, pp. 423-439, (1996).


E.Morfiadakis, G. Glinou, M.Koulouvari, "The Suitability of the Von Karman Spectrum to the S tructure of Turbulence in a Complex Terrain Wind Farm" , Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics ,62, pp237-257, (1996).


P. Chaviaropoulos, "Probabilistic Analysis of Extreme Wind Events", Journal Wind Engineering, Vol.21, No 3, pp. 139-159, (1997).


P. Chaviaropoulos, "Flap Lead-leg Aeroelastic Stability of W/T Blade Sections", Journal Wind Energy, 2, 99-112 (1999).


P. Chaviaropoulos, M.O.L Hansen, "Investigating 3-D and Rotational Effects on Wind Turbine Blades by Means of a Quasi-3D Navier-Stokes Solver", Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 122, pp 330-336, June 2000.


S. Frandsen, I. Antoniou, J.C. Hansen, L. Kristensen, H.Aa. Madsen, P. Chaviaropoulos, D. Douvikas, J.A. Dahlberg, A. Derrick, P. Dundabin, R. Hunter, R.Ruffle, D. Kanellopoulos & G,Kapsalis, “Redefinition Power Curve for More Accurate Performance Assessment of Wind Farms”, Journal Wind Energy, 3, 81-111 (2000)


K. Papadopoulos, E. Morfiadakis, T. P. Philippidis, D. J. Lekou, “Assessment of the strain gage technique for measurement of wind turbine blade loads”, Wind Energy, Vol.3, pp.35-65, 2000


P.Chaviaropoulos, "Flap/Lead-lag Aeroelastic Stability of W/T Blades", Journal Wind Energy, Vol 4, pp. 183-200, (2001).


Papadopoulos K., Stefanatos N., Paulsen U.S., Morfiadakis E., “Effects of Turbulence and Flow Inclination on the Performance of Cup Anemometers in the Field”, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 101 (1), pp 77-107, October 2001


Ε. Τζέν, Φ. Μουζάκης, «Ανάπτυξη Λογιστικού Μοντέλου για τη Σχεδίαση Αυτόνομων Συστημάτων Αντίστροφης Όσμωσης με ΑΠΕ», ΑΝΕΜΟΛΟΓΙΟ, Τεύχος 5, Ιούνιος 2002.


P.Chaviaropoulos, et. al, “ Viscous and Aeroelastic Effects on Wind Turbine Blades. The VISCEL Project. Part I: 3D Navier-Stokes Rotor Simulations”, Journal Wind Energy , Vol 6, pp. 365-385, (2003).


P.Chaviaropoulos, et. al, “ Viscous and Aeroelastic Effects on Wind Turbine Blades. The VISCEL Project. Part II: Aeroelastic Stability Investigations”, Journal Wind Energy , Vol 6, pp. 387-403, (2003).


E.Tzen, “New Desalination Plants in the Greek Islands”, EDS Newsletter, Issue 17, January 2003.


E. Tzen, R. Morris, "Renewable Energy Sources for Desalination”, Solar Energy, 75, pp.375-379, 2003.


Mouzakis F.. Morfiadakis E., Dellaportas P., "Fatigue Loading Parameter Identification of a Wind Turbine Operating at Complex Terrain", submitted for publication in the Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics .


Ε. Μπινόπουλος, Π. Χαβιαρόπουλος “Περιβαλλοντικές Επιπτώσεις των Αιολικών Πάρκων : Μύθος και Πραγματικότητα”

