General Information on CRES - Laboratories / Services


Building Cell and Indoor Climate Laboratories

They provide:

  • Identification of thermal characteristics of building components under real climatic conditions in outdoor test facilities
  • Thermal and air permeability tests of building materials under controlled conditions by the use of a Guarded Hot-Box apparatus
  • Thermal conductance measurements for building materials using a Guarded Hot-Plate apparatus, by issuing accredited certificates according to EN45001.
  • Ventilation rates and indoor air quality studies by the use of a tracer gas system
  • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the air flow in buildings and building blocks by the use of scale house models in a wind tunnel
  • Quantitative and qualitative assessment of lighting conditions in indoor and outdoor spaces, by the use of scale models in an artificial sky apparatus
  • Experimental studies for thermal comfort in the controlled indoor conditions room
  • Studies on the effect of various air-conditioning systems on the conditions of indoor thermal comfort
  • Studies on the influence of various materials or building components and systems on the thermal and optical comfort of indoor spaces in the building components lab
  • Measurements of thermal acoustic and optical comfort in both indoor and outdoor spaces by the use of portable measuring equipment
  • Microclimatic analyses
  • Measurements of meteorological conditions using both portable and permanently installed equipment