General Information on CRES - Laboratories / Services


Biomass Resources Laboratory

Biomass resources for energy production comprise a wide variety of materials derived from plants and animals such as crop, forest and agro-industrial residues, energy crops, the biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste and sewage sludge.
The physical and chemical composition and properties of biomass are important factors to determine its fuel potential, quality and to predict possible problems such as corrosion, formation of slags and deposits, etc., that could arise in energy applications.
The Biomass Resources Laboratory of CRES is part of the Biomass Department of the Directory of Renewable Energy Sources of CRES and performs fuel characterization of biomass resources.
The laboratory provides technical support to the following sectors:

Industrial sector:

Biomass production / handling enterprises
Equipment manufacturers
Energy planners

Applied Research and Technological Development:

Participation in RTD projects dealing with the production and handling of biomass resources.
Development of methodologies and procedures for biomass analysis.
Participation in WorkGroup 4 (Physical/mechanical tests) of the CEN action for the standarisation of biofuels (CEN/TC 335).

The Biomass Resources Laboratory of CRES performs fuel analysis of biomass materials including:

determination of calorific value
proximate analysis
elemental analysis (CHN/S)
bulk density
nitrogen content (Kjeldahl method)
sugar content, etc.
particle size distribution

The laboratory is equipped with:

Systems for sample preparation.
Bomb Calorimeter (PARR 1261).
Elemental Analyzer CHN/S (Perkin Elmer Series II 2400).
Proximate analyzer (LECO TGA 501).
Nitrogen determination system, kjeldahl method (Tecator).
Fibertec system (Tecator).
Spectrophotometer (Hitachi).
Polarimeter (ATAGO).
Rotary evaporator (BUCHI).
Leaf Area Meter (Delta-T).
Moisture Analyzer (SANTORIUS).
pH meter (Jenco Electronics Ltd).
Automatic moisture analyzer (Santorius)
Leaf area meter (Delta T)
Drying furnaces, etc.