Dr. Athanasios Stubos

Current Position:
Research Director, National Research Center Demokritos, Head of Environmental Research Laboratory (2001-present).
PhD (1990), MSc (1985) von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (VKI), Belgium
Dipl. Chem. Eng. (1984) National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Previous Professional Activities:
Nuclear Center of Mol, Belgium (PAHR Analyst 1988-1989); Post-doctoral Fellow (VKI, 1990); Visiting Research Associate (Univ. Southern California, 1991); Research Associate (Inst. Phys. Chem., NCSR Demokritos, 1993-1995), Senior Researcher (Inst. Nuc. Tech., NCSR Demokritos, 1995-2001).
Scientific Production:
More than 125 publications in international refereed Journals, 20 chapters in books and more than 120 presentations in international Conferences.
Research Interests:
Hydrogen Technologies, Environmental Fluid Mechanics, Energy Processes and Environmental Impact, Gas Sorption and Storage Processes, Transport in Porous Media.
Other Professional Experience:
Project Coordinator for various European and National R&D projects, Industrial R&D in USA (Univ. of Southern California) and Europe (Belgium, Greece). Invited expert by European Commission, DoE-USA, NSF-USA, French, Greek, Italian and Cypriot R&D agencies.