Emmanuel Rogdakis

Mr. Rogdakis is a professor in the Heat Section of the Mechanical Engineering School at the National Technical University of Athens and is the Director of the Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory. He is an electrical and mechanical engineer with a PhD from the N.T.U.A. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He speaks English. He has served as a member of the board of directors of the Public Power Corporation and was a member of the Committee for the Research Funding Committee at the N.T.U.A. For many years, he served on the Scientific Committee of Mechanical Engineers of the Greek Technical Chamber and on its body of representatives. Today, he serves on the Permanent Committee on Energy and the Permanent Committee on Education of the Greek Technical Chamber.

His research work includes 33 papers published in internationally recognized journals, 27 papers accepted on a full text basis for international conferences with referees and proceedings, 13 papers presented at international conferences with referees and proceedings and 15 papers presented at national conferences and published in Greek journals.