Vasili Nicoletopoulos

Mr Nicoletopoulos has a Degree in Mechanical – Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSc. in Engineering –Economic Systems from Stanford University, U.S.A.
He is a Business Consultant in the fields of Energy, Mining and Textiles, mostly in matters of internal and external development, management and lobbying. He also holds the position of Managing Director for Development at Premier Chemicals LLC, U.S.A. Furthermore, Mr Nicoletopoulos is Member of the Board of Directors of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry and of the private companies Hellex SA and Vector. He has worked as a Business Consultant in California, as a Coordination and Development Manager and a Member of the Board of Directors of Grecian Magnesite SA, as a Vice-President of Greek and Spanish companies, as a Member of the Board of Directors of Premier Chemicals LLC, U.S.A., and as Managing Director of ERGOSE SA.
Mr. Nicoletopoulos has also served as President of “Euromines’’, the European Association of Mining Enterprises, and Member of the executive committee of ‘Eurometaux’, in Brussels. Moreover, he has held the post of General Secretary of the Greek Association of Mining Enterprises and was a Member of the General Council of the Federation of Greek Industries.
Mr Nicoletopoulos is the writer of two books and numerous articles in Greece and other countries and speaks English, French and Spanish.