
This project is co-funded by the European Commission
LIFE Programme

Total Budget € 1,834,000

LIFE Contribution
€ 917,000

Project Results

ETRES project will result in pragmatic, well-considered steps to apply EU climate change & RE policy in the Greek electricity sector. Greek emissions – with electricity accounting for 50% - have already exceeded the target set under the Kyoto Burden Sharing Agreement & that poses a problem for achievement of EU targets. In 2006, the Greek RE sector faces the end of subsidy support under the 3rd community framework programme & new means of support are required if significant RE resources are to be exploited. The tasks will result in significant steps by the Greek electricity sector, which is falling behind most of its EU counterparts.

ETRES work plan

The aims and objectives of ETRES will be achieved through ten Taks:

T1. International developments in ET & RE support mechanisms. Review current & anticipated developments, particularly the proposed EU ET scheme. Interaction of ET & RE support ( including market-based mechanisms).

T2. Integration of ET in the Greek electricity sector. Review of requirements for the Greek electricity sector to participate in ET & RE support versus the existing situation. Priority considerations.

T3. Integration of alternative RE support mechanisms in the Greek electricity sector. Review of requirements for the Greek electricity sector to adopt RE support (including market-based mechanisms), versus existing situation. Priority considerations.

T4 Impact of ET & alternative RE support mechanisms in the Greek electricity sector. Quantitative assessment undertaken through development & use of two models, PRIMES and ELMAS. Analysis of impacts in qualitative terms, considering opportunities & threats.

T5. Vision, framework & strategy for the Greek electricity sector. Establishment of a vision & development of framework for ET & RE support, including salient market features. Development of a strategy – ie appropriate steps - to achieve this vision & framework.

T6. Demonstration of ET & alternative RE support mechanisms. Demonstration to Greek electricity sector of the opportunities & threats from ET & alternative RE support mechanisms & necessary steps for participation.

T7. Transfer of experience & “learning by doing”. Prompt transfer of knowledge to electricity sector stakeholders. Encouragement of first “learning by doing” steps to adopt ET & RE support.

T8. Project results dissemination. Dissemination via: events (meetings, workshops & end-of-project conference); publications (including internet & web distribution); direct communication & involvement of stakeholders.

T9. Evaluation. Achievement of objectives, events, deliverables etc will be evaluated at all stages by the project participants & third parties.

T10. Task management & reporting to the EC . Management of the team & co-ordination of input from third parties, particularly the advisory panel. Timely delivery. Full communication with EC, verbal & written reports.

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