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Policy Measures
IdMeasure NameSymblol NameBrief Description
1Fertility ratesFERTILITY_RATES_SPThis policy target defines the fertility rates for the future in regions by 2050. Values are based on the historical period (2005-2020). SELECTION: minimum fertility rates (1), average (2), or maximum (3)
2Life expectancy at birthLIFE_EXPECTANCY_AT_BIRTH_SPThis policy target defines the life expectancy at birth for the future in regions. Values are based on the historical period (2005-2020). SELECTION: minimum LEAB (1), average (2), or maximum (3)
3MigrationsMIGRATION_SPThis policy target activates (1) or disactivate (0) the existence of international bilateral migration flows for the future. Default incluced data from (Abel&Cohen, 2022): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01271-z, but they can be changed
4Evolution of EU27 households compositionSELECT_SLOPE_EVOLUTION_OF_EU27_HOUSEHOLDS_COMPOSITION_SPValue for the switch scenario for households composition for EU27 countries. 4 options for the evolution of the ratio of households per 100 people over time available from the statistical analysis of past data
5Evolution of number of people per household in non-EU regionsVARIATION_OF_AVERAGE_PEOPLE_PER_HOUSEHOLD_IN_NON_EU_REGIONS_SPVariation over time of average number of people per household for non EU regions.
6Gender parity in educationGENDER PARITY INDEX TARGETSocio-economic index designed to calculate the relative access of men and women to education. This index is released by UNESCO. In its simplest form, it is calculated as the quotient of the number of females by the number of males enrolled in a given stage of education (primary, secondary, etc.). A GPI equal to one signifies equality between males and females. A GPI less than one is an indication that gender parity favors males while a GPI greater than one indicates gender parity that favors females. The closer a GPI is to one, the closer a country is to achieving equality of access between males and females. This is a policy target in WILIAM to be set for a final year per region.
7Capital productivity changeSELECT_CAPITAL_PRODUCTIVITY_VARIATION_SPCapital productivity change
8Labour productivity changeLABOUR_PRODUCTIVITY_VARIATION_SPLabour productivity change
9Working time variationSELECT_WORKING_TIME_VARIATION_SPWorking time variation
10Debt interest rate targetSELECT_DEBT_INTEREST_RATE_TARGET_SPDebt interest rate target
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