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Each LOCOMOTION storyline has economic, environmental and socioeconomic goals. These storyline goals (drivers) are used to determine exogenous inputs to the model so as to ensure that the storyline is properly translated into a scenario.

The baseline storyline SSP2 has the economic goal of GDPpc growth, but lacks explicit environmental goals. With respect to the policy action storylines, while Green growth and Green deal have GDPpc growth as an economic goal, Post-growth is driven by the idea of economic re-localization. Environmental goals are prioritized in all storylines, albeit through different means. Finally, Green growth does not have a socioeconomic goal, while Green deal and Post-growth have specific inclusion policies and universal social policies as drivers respectively.

The list of WILIAM overall goals has been linked to storylines and storyline goals (drivers) specifically. For example, the overall goal to use land sustainably (2) is linked to storyline goals (drivers) in all three policy action storylines. Whereas, the overall goal of universal access to education (9) is only linked to storyline goals (drivers) in Green deal and Post-growth. Moreover, the overall goals of minimizing migration (14) and gender equality (15) are only linked to expanded overall goals and not to the storyline drivers.

Storyline Overall Goals
IdGoal NameExpanded
1Prevent exceeding climate change tipping points0
2Use land sustainably0
3Limit biodiversity loss0
4Use freshwater sustainably0
5Manage nitrogen and phosphorous flows to the biosphere and ocean sustainably0
6Universal access by all people to nutritious and sufficient food all year round0
7Manage and use natural resources (minerals) sustainably0
8Universal access to health care0
9Universal access to education0
10Universal access to social security0
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