1 | OVERALL GOAL (aka overall objective) | An overall goal is by definition a broad, general objective at societal level (not to be confounded with a policy measure which correspond to a more specific objective). | Full net decarbonisation by 2050; global average temperature < 1.5⁰C; achieve full employment; maintain a certain level of societal equity; annual GDPpc growth of 3%; SDGs, etc. |
2 | STORYLINE (aka narrative) | General narrative about how the future might unfold. Qualitative description of the trajectories of economic, social, technological and environmental evolution that the world (including heterogeneous disaggregation) may follow in the near future (hence, it implicitly includes a certain number of policy measures). | Business as usual, Green Growth, Degrowth, etc. |
3 | POLICY | A set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party.[1] Different types of policies can be defined depending on their scope: Energy Policy, Economic Policy, Trade Policy, Health policy, Environmental policy, etc., not to be confounded with policy measures which are more specific. | Energy Policy, Economic Policy, Trade Policy, Health policy, Environmental policy, etc. |
4 | POLICY OBJECTIVE (aka policy goal) | Generally formulated desired outcome of a policy. Not to be confounded with policy target (see below), which refers to a specific quantified level or rate set for the chosen objective. | Decarbonization, transition to renewables, reduce unemployment, reduce inequalities, GDPpc growth, increase exports, decrease energy use in buildings, etc. |
5 | POLICY MEASURE | Intervention in a part of the existing system (economy, environment, social welfare, etc.) typically promoted by institutions such as governments and regulatory institutions to drive a technological, behavioural, infrastructure, etc. change with relation to current trends. | Feed-in-tariffs for renewables, carbon tax, border adjustment tax, raising awareness to consume sustainable products, new laws limiting or prohibiting the consumption or production of polluting products, etc. |
6 | POLICY TARGET | Quantifiable target (=intended effect) of a given policy measure. | 32% of renewable energy in total energy by 2030, increasing public transport passengers by 20%, reducing the same 20% of private transport passengers, reduce meat consumption in the diet by 10%, targets from the SDGs, etc. |
7 | POLICY INSTRUMENT | Mechanisms and tools to implement policy measures and eventually reach policy targets. It should also be considered that one policy instrument may contribute to implementing different policy measures and reach different targets. | Laws, regulations, codes, subsidies, taxes, campaigns to raise awareness, new infrastructure projects for transport or urban planning, focused education and training for professionals, obligation schemes, public procurement, science funding, etc. |
8 | HYPOTHESIS | Hypothesis are assumptions made in the model that refer to biophysical realities that are not controllable by human societies. Hypothesis are subject to uncertainty. | "Oil reserves, mineral reserves, tipping points |
9 | SCENARIO | A consistent quantification of a storyline. It is composed by a set of quantitative inputs to which together allow to simulate a storyline with the model and get results. These inputs can be very different, e.g,. hypotheses, policy measures or policy targets. | (Same as for storylines) |
10 | ADAPTIVE SCENARIO | The trajectory of the initially defined scenario can be modified due to the internal constraints present in the model. | A Green Growth/Degrowth/etc. which does not attain its predefined overall goals |